The Hindenburg catastrophe occurred on 6 May, 1937. The cause of the fire remains unknown, though there are multiple theories. Surprisingly, only 36 people perished in the disaster, one of them a ground crewman. The loss of the Hindenburg caused a decline in public interest in airship travel. What would have happened if the Hindenburg had not been lost? Maybe zeppelins would have remained popular. Also the band Led Zeppelin would have had to come up with a different photo for their debut album's cover. Personally, I'd like to fly on an airship some day. But I'm eccentric like that.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Thoughts from the White Board - July 30

Found myself wishing that I could have a mental vacation for a little while.  Go back to the days when I felt like whatever place I was in was exactly where I was supposed to be.  Growing up and getting "old" sucks.  But on the other hand, I know lots more about... stuff.  More than I did back in the day, that is.  Is it worth the trade off?  A person could spend a lifetime asking themself that question and trying to determine the answer to a credible level of satisfaction.

So 'll just post some Thoughts and go back to reminiscing...

Identity theft is a huge problem, and every number and indicator shows that it's on the rise. This is not a question of six degrees of separation -- everybody knows somebody who's been a victim. - Edmund Mierzwinski

An identity would seem to be arrived at by the way in which the person faces and uses his experience. - James Baldwin

The two most precious things this side of the grave are our reputation and our life. But it is to be lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive us of the one, and the weakest weapon of the other. - Charles Caleb Colton 

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -- Mark Twain

We're very sorry, Mister Schroedinger, but the cat refuses to go in the box.

If you can figure out from the given quotes and my lament on reminiscing as to what sort of things are troubling me lately, you win the grand prize.  Unfortunately, the grand prize has been down-graded to a hearty wishing of wellness, due to lack of funds.

The parting comment:

Truer words were never spoken.

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