The Hindenburg catastrophe occurred on 6 May, 1937. The cause of the fire remains unknown, though there are multiple theories. Surprisingly, only 36 people perished in the disaster, one of them a ground crewman. The loss of the Hindenburg caused a decline in public interest in airship travel. What would have happened if the Hindenburg had not been lost? Maybe zeppelins would have remained popular. Also the band Led Zeppelin would have had to come up with a different photo for their debut album's cover. Personally, I'd like to fly on an airship some day. But I'm eccentric like that.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Post-Independence Day Thoughts from the White Board - July 5

Taking care of my daughter while she had my wife's bronchitis led me to catch it too.  So July 4th was kinda quiet around here, except for the coughing.  Thankfully I didn't have it anywhere near as bad as my wife or daughter did.  The bug must have lost steam on it's path of contagion through the family.

It will be nice when the house is germ free again.  Seems like we've had a rash of poor health around here, probably brought on by stress and the upheaval of things as life's events play out.  Now if I can just get up the determination to investigate methods that this blog might be "self-sustaining" (i.e.: it pays my internet bill), that would be great.  But I'm not counting on it (haha).

Diplomacy: The patriotic art of lying for one's country. - Ambrose Bierce

I gotta work out. I keep saying it all the time. I keep saying I gotta start working out. It’s been about two months since I’ve worked out. And I just don’t have the time. Which odd. Because I have the time to go out to dinner. And uh..and watch tv. And get a bone density test. And uh.. try to figure out what my phone number spells in words. - Ellen DeGeneres

 Dear Mr. President, There are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot. - Grandpa Abe Simpson

 America just works better when more people have a chance to live their dreams. - Bill Clinton

Source: Lol
"And after that, I'm going to karate chop their corpse!  Just because I can!"


  1. I KNEW IT!!! I thought to myself, "I bet instead of working on his homework, he's going to blog today!" Ha, so busted. ;)

    I love you much.

  2. Independence Day seems designed for reminding us that we AREN'T really all that free ...of sickness, bills, chores, or campaign ads! :) Hope you feel better! Mom


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