The Hindenburg catastrophe occurred on 6 May, 1937. The cause of the fire remains unknown, though there are multiple theories. Surprisingly, only 36 people perished in the disaster, one of them a ground crewman. The loss of the Hindenburg caused a decline in public interest in airship travel. What would have happened if the Hindenburg had not been lost? Maybe zeppelins would have remained popular. Also the band Led Zeppelin would have had to come up with a different photo for their debut album's cover. Personally, I'd like to fly on an airship some day. But I'm eccentric like that.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Temporary Interruption of Service

...and hopefully it'll only be intermittent.  In order to pay the mortgage, we've had to tighten the belt.  I hate that term, just between you and me.  I wear a belt, and it's tight to the last hole.  Not that I'm a skinny guy, but I'm not Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons either.

Yup.  / Source:

Anyway my point is, we had to cut out the mainline telephone (no big loss in my opinion, as I'm not a phone sort of person), the cable TV (a bit more inconvenient, but I could learn to live without it fairly easily enough) and the internet (it isn't even off yet and I'm having withdrawal pains like a crackhead in hardcore rehab... yes, I'm a total loser).

So I will still be posting from time to time, as I'm still reading and still thinking, but access to the net has become much less convenient.  So I won't be around so much anymore, but I'm not abandoning this blog.  No way.  Writing long-winded posts to a very small but quite hip crowd is what I live for, after all.

Anyway, catch ya later.  And hey - click on an ad.  Who knows, it might be the difference between getting this blog in the black and living without for awhile more.  It could happen.


The parting comment:

Source: Lol
I'm asking that about internet, but the concept remains the same.  What do ya do when the only thing left is the roll and the holder?  The obvious is... youch!

1 comment:

  1. Holding knees to chest while rocking back and forth quietly chanting, "internet, internet, internet"
    Withdrawal, we're in this together babe.


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