The Hindenburg catastrophe occurred on 6 May, 1937. The cause of the fire remains unknown, though there are multiple theories. Surprisingly, only 36 people perished in the disaster, one of them a ground crewman. The loss of the Hindenburg caused a decline in public interest in airship travel. What would have happened if the Hindenburg had not been lost? Maybe zeppelins would have remained popular. Also the band Led Zeppelin would have had to come up with a different photo for their debut album's cover. Personally, I'd like to fly on an airship some day. But I'm eccentric like that.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pre-Apocalyptic Thoughts from the White Board - Dec 20

So the Mayan's say the world is going to end tomorrow.  But what do they know?  They've been a has-been civilization for hundreds of years now.  I think.  Hey, I don't know much about Central American anthropology, nor much on the region's history to be honest.  Maybe they are all just hanging out down there in the Yucatan, laughing at all us stupid modern people and sacrificing goats and squirrels and the employees of run-down video cassette rental stores to their pagan gods.  I don't know.  Do you?

The Mayan calendar is going to keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future... Numbers we can’t even wrap our heads around... - SOURCE: Buzzpatrol, 2012-11-26

Snooki is expecting her baby on December 21, 2012. I guess the Mayans knew what they were talking about... - Anonymous

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. - Matthew 24:36

Mayan Proverb, translated to Spanish (and then English). Nya b’a’n tu’n toc tjemin jun tx’yan, ku’n nlay mojin tuc’iy aj ticy’x k’on tib’aj k’ak’.
"It is not good to hit a dog because it will no longer help you in case you need to pass the flames of a fire."

That last one?  Well, let's face it, that's one obscure proverb these days.  My bet on tomorrow?  This whole Mayan Calendar thing is about as obtuse a subject to us as a television would be to a Mayan.  Mystical, mysteriously, seemingly wondrous... and ultimately pointless.  After all, without context - or electricity - a TV would be useless to the Maya.  And their calendar is probably just as enigmatic to us.

I hope.

The parting comment:

This one has been making the rounds for several years.  Personally, I bet it isn't too far off the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Id sure like to make it an acocalypse for Congress! A payraise...really?? ---mom


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