The Hindenburg catastrophe occurred on 6 May, 1937. The cause of the fire remains unknown, though there are multiple theories. Surprisingly, only 36 people perished in the disaster, one of them a ground crewman. The loss of the Hindenburg caused a decline in public interest in airship travel. What would have happened if the Hindenburg had not been lost? Maybe zeppelins would have remained popular. Also the band Led Zeppelin would have had to come up with a different photo for their debut album's cover. Personally, I'd like to fly on an airship some day. But I'm eccentric like that.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Quasi-Political Thoughts from the White Board - Nov 7

Nothing clever to say this time.  Not even sure why I'm posting, other than that I feel like keeping the ball rolling.  I do have other things that I could be working on to add, such as a review for two and a half books (one was too short to call a full sized "book"), and a few movie reviews, and an Op-Ed piece or two.  But really, all I do lately is work on school and go to my job and sleep.  And watch a little My Name is Earl on the computer.  Was watching that with my wife for some mindless but humorous entertainment.

I have been considering taking most of December off from the blog.  I'll still be working on this and that, but not publishing anything.  After all, it is a busy time of year, and probably even more so this year with all the extraneous matters we've been facing as a family lately.  So I could probably use the break.  But we'll see.  After all, I like to post for Christmas and New Years and such.  Last year when it was still my old blog, it was the holiday season that really got me back up and going again.  Then things went around the bend in the early new year.  But that is neither here nor there.

Anyway, I'm just musing here.  Best to get on with it.  Because there are Thoughts to be given.  Like on the democratic process, and on the economy, and on... well, read on and you'll see.

Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets. - Barack Obama

I’m not familiar precisely with what I said, but I’ll stand by what I said, whatever it was. - Mitt Romney

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidise it. -  Ronald Reagan

You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on. - Homer Simpson

The parting comment:

Yeah, I'm afraid that is about as funny as I could get tonight with parting comment images.  Hey, we elect 'em.  You go think up something clever to say.  I'll be busy digging a tunnel to Amsterdam.  A good health plan, a happy population, and the chance to get nicely toasted on my day off?  Sounds like a country I want to live in (haha).

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